Monday, October 19, 2009

Update on our Baby

He sure has been a lot of fun. The kids can't stop giving him kisses and he gets ALL of their attention. There is no "Good Morning Mom" in this house anymore, the kids have updated their morning phrase to "Hi Teagie - did you have a good night?" I've also had to set some "no touching" limits during nursing and sleeping times!!!


The Young Family said...

So darn cute!

Kimberley said...

Aw, he's such a cutie! I can't wait to see him!

MyKell said...

Thanks Aubs for the update I knew he would still be adorable!

MyKell said...

Thanks Aubs for the update I knew he would still be adorable!

Raquel said...

Send me you information,
I would love to send out a little something something for the new babe.
Looks like you all are enjoying the new addition.
Miss ya.