Sunday, March 7, 2010

This is the face of the happiest, chunkiest (18 lbs. 8 oz.) five month old I have seen around!


Ali said...

How CUTE is that!!! I love the CHEEKS!!! Those must run in our family!!!

Ritters said...

He is so cute! He weighs almost as much a Leah. She little for her age though. My Logan was Chubby like that I loved it!

Kimberley said...

Love the chunky monkey cheeks! Give them some kisses for me!

Chantel said...

I love the cheeks :) You must want to kiss them all day!

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness. Could he be any sweeter? Do you just eat him up?

Tyler and Julia said...

Oh how darling! I could just squeeze his cute little cheeks!!! What a sweetheart he is! :)

Unknown said...

oh my goodness oh my goodness look at those cute kissable cheekies...miss you guys!

bright family said...

He is so cute. What an incredible smile.

Katherine said...

Oh my gosh! He is so cute!!