Coleston Randell
Born: March 12, 2011
7 lbs 8 oz
20 1/4 in long
The story: Saturday afternoon around 2 p.m. I started to have hard contractions. I layed down and rested but couldn't, so the kids and I went outside to play. While out talking with the neighbor I realized my contractions were getting harder and closer together so I called Quin (who was at work, of course) and asked him to come home. I packed my bag and the kids bags. Then I had to bribe (by saying mommy really needed to go to the hospital to have the baby) my kids to come in. They were so excited that the baby was coming! Ashie ran outside and exclaimed: "Mommy has an appointment at the hospital!" Treydon got a huge smile on his face and claimed: "I told you he would come today. Remember mom? You said you would give me chocolate if I was right. Do I get my chocolate?" haha. Well Quin and I dropped the kids off at a friends, I ate some pizza (since I knew they wouldn't feed me there and who knew how long I was going to be in labor) and then headed to the hospital. On our 20 minute ride to the hospital Quin started to realize how hard my contractions were, to which I claimed: "I am going to have this baby by 6:30!" It was 5:30. We got to the hospital and after checking into the emergency room headed straight to delivery since I was having a hard time breath through my contractions. We got into the room at 6:00 p.m. and by 6:33 I was holding my sweet baby boy in my arms!
I never thought I would go natural and have a fast labor (which I did with Ashelyn), but twice! Sweet Coleston just really wanted to come out and start enjoying life!
He is such a sweet and beautiful baby!
We love him!
Congratulations Young Family!!! Love his name! What a cute little guy!!! Now go get your son some chocolate;)
Ooops! I"m still logged in as Keith! This is Rebecc:)
Such a cutie! We can't wait to meet him!
Congrats Aubrey! He is beautiful! Cute name too!
He is a cutie :)
He is the cutest little peanut!! YOu are amazing Aubry one of the toughest moms I have ever seen:)
Congratulations!! He's so sweet!
Congratulations Aubrey!!! He's such a cutie & I LOVE his name! You're so blessed to have another sweet little boy in your lives. I LOVE the comment Treydon made about the chocolate. I'd say he definitely deserves it for being so accurate! :)
4 1/2 hrs. total? WOW! He's so sweet Aubrey. Just perfect! I love his little pictures. And I love his name too.
I'm so happy for you! I have a little girl in mind just 9 days younger than he is if you believe in arranged marriages :)
Love you guys. Congrats!
Congrats!!! Love the name and he is so cute!!! Wish we could see each other soon!
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