Anyone who knows me knows my kids are my life! (Seriously, I don't do much of anything else. It seems . . .:) )
I try to spend one-on-one time with them every chance I get (which is very few, far, and in-between), but it does happen.
I have to take pictures so that on those days when my mind needs to unwind I can reminisce:)
Teagan loves to play with cars right now. And Coleston's binkies. And Coleston. And his metal baseball bat (Yikes!).
Coleston loves to read books. I was off doing something that needed to be done and I came back to find Coleston had pulled books off the bookshelf and was entertaining himself. So CUTE! He is a very good baby and just wanders around finding things to do. His new favorite thing is to lay on the ground and roll around. He loves to press his cheek to the ground. Yuck!
His new favorite thing is to throw the cutest tantrums ever!
Treydon amazes me with how well he does in school. Not that I don't expect it. Don't get me wrong. But he works hard and will get his homework done without being asked. He never comes home with extra homework. He has this A.R. reading program at school where they read books and take tests on them. He comes home the second week into the semester telling me he already has enough A.R. points for the semester. That is ten books atleast, that he already took tests on! WHAT! Again, hard worker. And he loves to accomplish things. I love this about him!
This is a picture of him with his Star Reader Award from third semester (he has gotten one for each semester). They have the awards assembly right at naptime and I TOTALLY FORGOT about his second semester awards assembly. So we made sure we were there for this one. I might have had two cranky little boys but this big boy had the biggest smile on his face when he saw us at the assembly.
Ashelyn is my girl. And always will be! I love having a girl, even if there is drama and the whole schebang! She loves to play with friends, and play school, and help me, and color, and do crafts. She reminds me of myself in many ways.
She gets so excited to do things with her friends and this particular day ( a Saturday in May) her friend Asa had invited her to a favorite stuffed animal contest at the library. SHE WAS SO EXCITED! Lol! She wanted a picture of her with the library reading dog.