Friday, July 4, 2008

Treydon's Coachpitch Days June 2008

Trey was so excited to play coach pitch. He played with the six and seven year olds, 1) because he wanted to play with his cousin Mckoy 2) because he says he is way too advanced to play t-ball. Every time he was up to bat, he would hit the ball and then head for each base, making sure he slid into each base. He cracks me up. If he didn't have grass stains on his "baseball pants" then we would have to practice after the game until he could manage a "grass stain slide". I don't think I have ever seen a baseball player with a perma-grin, but Trey pulled it off. He is getting so big.
This is Trey (on the left) and his cousin Mckoy (on the right) after they "won all their games this season".
After their last game they rode home in my car. The whole time they complimented each other, "you were the best ball hitter" and "you did so good" and even "I want to play on your team again". The last comment was my favorite, because they sometimes don't always get along with each other.

1 comment:

hayley said...

Trey is going to be such a great athlete with all those cousins he has to keep up with! I am so excited to get Luke into soccer this fall. He is dying to play organized sports.